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Korean Times visited school

Korean culture has been a very popular trend in this region, like K-pop songs, drama series, kimchi, barbecue, fashion and of course, Korean language. To allow more students to be further exposed to Korean culture, the Korean language curriculum has been successfully implemented in F.1 and F.2 in recent years.

On 5 October, the journalists from the Korean Times visited school and observed a Korean lesson in which a F.1 class learnt the vowels and vocabulary items of Korean. After class, some F.2 students attended an interview arranged by the press. They could freely express their opinions on Korean culture, history and custom. What’s more, they shared with the journalists that the Korean food, songs and drama series are their favourite, contributing to their study of Korean language.

To further enhance students’ interests in learning Korean, principal suggested keeping arranging cultural exchange tours to Korea and if possible, more funding from the government can be allocated to various events allowing students to experience foreign culture in the near future.

Third Language Team – Mu Kuang English School